BREAKING NEWS: Kasanwirjo set to be the latest Ibrox hero to take the fight to Celtic, and he can play in 4 positions you know?

The hype surrounding Neraysho Kasanwirjo’s move to Rangers follows a familiar pattern of media buildup for new Ibrox signings, often setting up expectations that are hard to fulfill. This critique of the media’s treatment of Rangers players highlights how they are often prematurely labeled as saviors, which can lead to inflated expectations and eventual disappointment. The comparisons to Celtic’s record-breaking signings, like Arne Engels, underscore the disparity in media coverage, with the press seemingly giving more attention to Rangers’ untested signings than to Celtic’s established stars.

In the case of Kasanwirjo, the article sarcastically points out how he’s being heralded as a multi-positional “gifted” player, before he’s even played a match. The writer’s tone reflects skepticism about the media’s tendency to overhype Rangers players, only for them to struggle under the weight of those expectations, especially in high-stakes matches against Celtic. The recurring theme is that the media builds up these players, only to inadvertently set them up for failure.

Ultimately, the article predicts that Kasanwirjo, much like others before him, will be unable to live up to the unrealistic expectations placed on him by the media and fans alike. The cycle of overhyping new players only for them to underperform against top competition is framed as a recurring issue at Ibrox.


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