Kasper Schmeichel shares the four ‘extremely important’ figures who influenced his move to Celtic.

Interviewer: How have you settled in?

Celtic goalkeeper: I’ve settled in very nicely. The group has made it very easy for me. It’s a good group of people, so it’s been nice.

Interviewer: What were the main draws of coming here?

Celtic goalkeeper: There are many. Firstly, the size of the club – it’s a massive club with worldwide recognition. Being part of a winning culture was a big thing for me, coming to a place where you are expected to win every single game. That definitely appealed to me. The prospect of Champions League football and the Glasgow Derby were also part of it.

Interviewer: And working with the manager again?

Celtic goalkeeper: Yeah, for sure. I always look back on my career now and think about the times when I was at my best and happiest, and it was when I was under Brendan at Leicester. It was certainly the time when I enjoyed football the most. I have a lot of positive memories, so the chance to work with him again was a big thing. I’m very grateful for him giving me this opportunity again. It’s been good.

Interviewer: What did your days at Falkirk do in terms of development?

Celtic goalkeeper: I think the most important thing for young players is game time. I had a taste of it in League Two in England, and for a Premiership club to give me that opportunity and level of opportunity was a really big thing for me and a massive learning curve. I look back on that very fondly. It was important because of the profile it gave me. I had my first TV game ever.


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