Critical injury list is a serious concern for Edwards, as he hopes it will ‘fuel’ Luton’s fight for survival.

Rob Edwards, the manager of the Hatters, is adamant that he and the players at his disposal will use Luton’s debilitating injury list as “fuel” to “fuel” their quest to remain in the Premier League this season.

Before the international break, the Hatters were missing Marvellous Nakamba, Sambi Lokonga, Tom Lockyer, Elijah Adebayo, Amari’i Bell, Mads Andersen, Dan Potts, Gabe Osho, Jacob Brown, and Joe Johnson, making up over a third of their roster. The two-week break didn’t help much either, as Lokonga, Osho, Adebayo, and Andersen—all of whom seemed to have a chance of returning—were all still ruled out of tomorrow’s trip to Tottenham Hotspur.

The situation worsened in the end; Pelly Ruddock Mpanzu and Alfie Doughty passed fit after going off against Forest, and teenager Johnson recovered from his bout of glandular fever and is expected to be involved in some capacity in north London. Chiedozie Ogbene suffered a hamstring issue while away with the Republic of Ireland, which is expected to keep him out for a few weeks.

Hatters boss Rob Edwards - pic: Liam Smith
Hatters boss Rob Edwards – pic: Liam Smith

“It’s not good, we’re missing everyone that we had before and Chieo as well now, Chieo got injured on international duty,” Edwards stated, expressing his problems. I’m losing players and staff right now because things were so bad earlier in the week that Kev Foley, the transitional coach, had to train in the opposition and strained his hamstring.

“Instead of laughing about it, I’m going to try to find some solutions because we currently have a few.” All you can do is try to deal with the next issue that comes up, which is Tottenham. Some issues we can fix, some will just come up later and we won’t be able to do anything about. We will continue to try to get individuals back into shape as we play the cards we have, which won’t be many.

However, let’s be sincere. There is no possibility if we just curl up and say, “The world is against us and we have to play all these teams, we have him injured and him injured.” Guys, this is the scenario we find ourselves in. We may discuss what needs to be done. What are your thoughts? What are your goals? I want to go play like we play, I want to go take it to them, and I want to go out and fight. To be committed to our style of play and actions is what I believe is most important, and I know that our supporters would also want it.

“The best teams do it; we’re not Tottenham, but Tottenham has done it before this season when they’ve had injuries.We’re currently going through a crucial period in the season where both Liverpool and Newcastle have had to make these decisions. However, if we suddenly change and don’t have faith in the group we’re working with, I simply believe that we’re approaching the situation the wrong way.

Therefore, I’m just going to attempt to deal with it; I won’t laugh about it or cry over it. Our goal is to look back in a few months and say, “Wow, what an achievement, what an achievement,” and that’s what this will motivate us for.

Edwards went on, “When I look into these players’ eyes and talk to them, I’m convinced and I know they believe me as well, I know they believe in what we’re doing.” He believes the players he still has fully believe they can pull off what would be one of the biggest stories in Premier League history and, against all the odds, beat the drop.

“We face challenges, no question about it, and we face them with a well prepared group. Even if it’s difficult to perform at your best when you’re missing so many large, senior, and vital players, it will motivate us. We will fight even harder as a collective because of it, and it will only strengthen us more.”

Edwards attributed the high volume and intensity of running the Hatters must do in the top division to the high number of hamstring injuries sustained by his team this season. “The sprinting in the Premier League always goes up every year, but we weren’t in the Premier League last year, we were in the Championship, so the sprinting from the Championship to the Premier League is massive,” he added, suggesting that both the team and the players themselves may have attempted to push things too quickly at times during their recuperations.

“Compared to previous year, we’re obviously battling on a different level, and the guys are having to grind out games because the roster is currently quite tiny. That’s the state of affairs, where it’s at, even when they’re competing; nevertheless, since this is top-tier competition, this will apply to all teams equally.

We’re always asking ourselves, ‘What can we do better?'” What is the root cause of it? I’m sure everyone is attempting to accomplish the same things because, as I know, it’s happening elsewhere this year and there have been a lot more longer-term ones in the Premier League. We’ll constantly attempt to evaluate ourselves and consider everything we accomplish, including loading, strength training, and rehabilitation. It’s not just that department or that department; it’s me and the entire football team involved in it; it’s a worldwide issue.

“I just think that this year’s longer games and our increased energy from last year’s championship is crazy. We haven’t had much luck with the weather or surface changes, and I believe we’ve had one or two instances when, in an effort to win back players, we may have pushed a little too quickly, which may have somewhat set us back.

We therefore constantly strive to improve and learn from certain aspects. It’s almost universal, I’m sure, as you can walk around every club and say, “He was missing for a long time, he had to have an operation, it’s loads, but it’s difficult to deal with.” Some of it will be circumstances, and some of it will be us.

In the past, cryotherapy trucks have arrived at the Brache to give players the best chance of recovering from their various ailments. However, these trucks are currently stationed at a newly renovated training facility. Edwards stated that the club now has everything needed to provide its players with the best chance of playing, saying, “We’ve got all that now, Gary (Sweet, CEO) and the board have been brilliant.” Everything is in the gym, including a swimming pool, which is something that most clubs at this level offer. They are open around-the-clock. Everything is available to them, including the Cryo, a sauna, and, I believe, a flipping sunbed.


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