Ian Murray, manager of Raith RoversThe Tannadice team will alone be responsible for their own actions if they fail to win the league.

FRASER: It was eye-opening to see Dundee United give in to Dunfermline last week. Despite having a stronger team, their performance remains inconsistent. The big game comes at home against Raith next weekend; whoever wins will be ahead in the standings. I have a thing for Raith.

During this international break, whose player do you think will win the summer’s European Championship?

CRAIG: France is typically a top contender for these competitions, and this year is no exception.

ANDY: France is my clear favourite since they have an absurd amount of skill at their disposal.

FRASER: It appears that there is a renewed emphasis on the noisy neighbours. But France seems like a better option. Their ranks are filled with strength and quality.